Posts tagged breakfast

I have a Starbucks literally feet from my front door. I thought it was a luxury to walk over and start my work day at home with Starbucks. I was so wrong. The ultimate luxury, my dear friends, is a French press, coffee afresh, at it's best. It's a labor of love, trust me. 4 minutes seems like a short while but when first awakened, and coffee is the only remedy, 4 minutes seems like forever.

The luxury goes beyond the coffee- the amount of money I've saved this year (stopped counting at $100), coffee at it's delicious peak without being filtered, there's no line, I'm no longer agitated from searching for my wallet, my shoes, half awake but still somewhat asleep. Plus, going to Starbucks in your pajamas at 6am? Not cute when you're 29, frizzy haired, eye gunk, smeared mascara, with my short bangs sticking up straight in the air.  Especially standing in line with handsome business men in suits and ties (hey, it's the suits and ties that make them handsome- picture them in regular clothes...yeah, I thought so). Not only did my $$ go out the door with each order, but also dignity of walking out in public in pajamas.

My old French press cracked and I treated myself to a pink press (I just checked Amazon to try to link it, but it's sadly sold out in pink). It really does make my morning a little more luxurious.

 New Coffee Press

New Coffee Press

I know to many coffee is coffee, but I think it's the ritual that makes my morning.

(Before you start swinging at me how amazing corporate coffee is, I love Starbucks, especially in the the passion iced tea! However, this is a personal habit I had to break for myself- nothing against their company or their coffee.)